Replace Your Instrument Panel

Disclaimer: I (the author) am in no way responsible for what you do to your vehicle. This web page is in no way affiliated with Daimler-Chrysler. All opinions, technical information, or otherwise are to be taken as is and at your own risk. That said, let's get started!
  1. To get the black bezel (the curved thing above the instrument cluster) off, unscrew some of the screws on the bottom of it (it doesn't hurt to unscrew all of them, once you get it off you'll see that you don't need to unscrew them all), sorry I don't remember exactly which ones to leave, I believe there are three. Then, behind the bezel, there should be a rectangular thing that looks like a vent, it has curved corners, it pops up. Just use a short, very thin flathead screw driver and work it all the way around. Be careful, as it is not very thick, and could probably break easily. Under that vent thing, there are two more screws to take out, that hold in the bezel. Then the black bezel thing just pulls straight out toward the back of the vehicle.

  2. Once you have the bezel off, it's cake from there. There should be 4 screws holding the I.C. (inst. clust.) down, make sure you have the right ones. The first time I took it out, I was taking off the clear plastic sheild, you want the screws behind those ones (they are on a white backing). After you get those out, the I.C. just pulls out and there are two plugs, a red one and a black one. The cords are long enough so you can pull the I.C. out enough to unplug it. Bring the I.C. inside.

  3. NOTE 1: I don't know if it affects the operation of the gauge, but I was very careful not to move the needles on any of the gauges, as changing any of them might have altered the reading. Just keep that in mind.

    NOTE 2: My original I.C. did not have a circuit board on the corner by the red plug, however the new one that I got did... it was a small circuit board with an edge connector, it just slipped on that white edge. I am not sure what this is for, I assumed it was for ABS but I left it on there anyway just incase it was for something else.

    This is what it looks like after you remove it from the car.
    This is the I.C. once you seperate it from the car.

    This is what it looks like from the back.
    Here's the back.

  4. To take apart the I.C. so that you can swap the speedometer, you'll need a torx screw driver, the size is T-25 or something close to that. There is a couple of ways to do this:

    1. The way I did it, taking off the back:
      First, flip the I.C. over and take off the 7 screws on the back and unplug the speedometer plug in the middle (if you have the circuit board in the corner remove that too). Then, pull straight up on the circuit board while holding the plug up. It's a bit tight, because of the metal prong thingies and lights but it just pulls right off. Now continue with "b. the other way."

    2. This is what it looks like after you remove the circuit board
      This is the I.C. after you remove the circuit board.

      The speedometer plug.
      This is the speedometer plug, make sure it is the same on your vehicle as the one you will be installing.

    3. The other way, leaving the back on:
      Take off the 6 screws holding on the clear sheild, and then unscrew all the screws holding down each G.C. (gauge cluster). There are three screws holding each side cluster and the middle interlocks with the side ones. If you took off the back circuit board pulling the G.C. out will be a snap, otherwise you'll have to pull them off the metal prongs. No biggie. Now, having done all this with the new I.C. you can just swap the speedo and your all set. Put it all back together and stick it in the car, installation is the opposite of removal.

    All pieces seperated for your enjoyment!
    Now you should be able to seperate everything, see like this!

    The end, now you have a Tach and Oil Pressure gauge!
    I hope this helps any of you who attempt it. Good luck!
    Oh, and if you have any questions just E-Mail me.

    This page has been hit 43 times since January 22, 2001.