This is what it looks like, just a circle with three wires coming out of
the top that go to the wheel (ground, cruise control, and airbag), and
one fat data cable that comes out the bottom (yellow end).
Then I opened it up, with a little tap from the hammer. It felt good
to remember that I paid $200 for the new one when I hit the old one.
It doesn't look too pretty on the inside, see below.
You can see where the problem was in this device, there is a ribbon
cable that runs from the center around and around till it gets to
the outside. Basically it looks like it got a little hung up inside
and from me swinging the wheel back and forth it just snapped the
old crusty cable in half.
Here it is from a side view. To get a better feel for what it
looks like I pulled it out a little. Pretty messed up in there
wouldn't cha say?
From this angle you can really see what kind of abuse that little
cable had to deal with, I am suprized that the steering wheel
held up as long as it did. :)