Changed the Valve Cover Gasket

When I replaced the valve cover gaskets it looked so cool that I had to take a few pictures of it. I only took pictures of the front cause the back is the same but you wouldn't be able to see it. Here they are:

Here's my engine without the front valve cover on
This is right after I took off the valve cover, it looks really cool. A really deep shade of orange. I think I did this in March 2000, it was before I changed my plug wires and did my tune-up. I think those orange ones were the OEs.

A shot head on.
Here you can see the how much contrast there is between the roller (the shiny silver wheels that touch the cam and the rocker arms) and the rest of the orange stuff in there. I couldn't believe that this car has rollercams. When I did the job, with Rachael's dad (a veteran mechanic) he told me that they really only use rollercams in high performance engines, and he had never seen them on street vehicles. That is a good thing for me!!

Here's a closeup of the rollercams
Last but not least the close up, watch out for that dipstick! Anyway, this stuff was just too cool looking to not take a picture of it!

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